Guitar Strings and the Things We Do for Them

We have been rather busy the last few days! Doing things like this:

Sun and Hammocks

Sun and Hammocks


Just kidding, we’ve actually been pretty busy! We’ve both finished University for the year now and are just waiting for marks to roll in. Since we are in theatre, the idea of having free time is very strange to us, so we have been stuffing it with as many things as possible.

Sunday we decided it would be a good idea to go play frisbee in the park. Now this park is next to a steep drop off into the ocean. We thought about this, figured that we were good enough for this not to be a problem, and of course immediately watched our frisbee float over the drop off into the mud (the tide was out). As we rather liked the frisbee, it then seemed a great idea to climb down the drop off and retrieve it. So Audrey (in white pants) and Nick (with his pockets full of his phone, wallet and such) ventured into the, what we quickly found was, knee deep mud. But the frisbee was saved! So we went home and recorded a song instead.

Triumphant and muddy!

Triumphant and muddy!

So here is our cover of In My Life by the Beatles.


Monday morning we woke up to find it was 20 degrees outside. I know! We were shocked too! We slipped in shorts and scamped down main street to do some busking. After breaking a guitar string we decided to cut it short and buy ingredients for dinner.

Mmm homemade falafels from busking money!

Mmm homemade falafels from busking money!

We ate up, and then headed down to Paddy’s pub to play open mic night. We had a really fun set which included American Boy (Estelle & Kanye West), Crazy Little Thing Called Love (Queen), No Diggety (Chet Faker), and Kill Your Heroes (Awolnation) and a borrowed guitar.

Today we went out to busk again (as it was once again beautiful!). This time with a borrowed guitar, in the hopes of raising enough funds to buy strings for Nick’s actual guitar. Of course, luck being luck, we quickly managed to break a string on the borrowed guitar as well. However, due to the incredible kindness of the Wolfville public, we made enough to purchase a plethora of guitar strings, so we shall be back in business soon!

Sidewalk tunes

Sidewalk tunes



We would like to thank everyone who has supported us thus far. We are incredibly grateful!


Do you have a song you want us to cover? A place you want us to play? Food you want to feed us? Leave us a comment, like our page, show your friends, or have a nap!


Have a wonderful evening!

Love Guy & Doll


Late Nights of Cake And Recording

We had a bit of a late night recording session tonight. It would have been earlier, only we decided to bake a cake instead. Our song choice for the evening was “American Boy” by Estelle and Kanye West. Yes, you are allowed to laugh a little bit at this point. Nick decided to record the guitar and bass tracks first so Audrey sat on the floor and made jewellery and then went and iced the cake (it was her roommate’s birthday).

Audrey doing her part....and hey look! A cake!

Audrey doing her part….and hey look! A cake!

Post icing, Nick recorded his rap bits. Audrey laughed a lot. Audrey recorded her vocal bits, and then we both did a lot of overlaying vocal tracks. And out came a song! American Boy (Cover) by Guy & Doll

Nick laying down his rap.

Nick laying down his rap.

Learning this song was very interesting. It is one of Audrey’s favorite songs, but has the opportunity for both a male and female to do a lot of interesting vocal bits. We spent about half an hour with both of us sitting on the bed while Audrey slowly sang the rap over and over again so that Nick could figure out where all the words went. So enjoy some “white boy rap”, have a drink on our behalf and give our tune a listen.

Some serious editing.

Some serious editing.

Like what you are hearing? Leave us a comment or like our page. Want to hear us try to cover your favorite song? Let us know, and we will record it just for you!   Have a peach of a day! Love Guy & Doll

Busking in the Sunlight

We hit the streets (actually really only a corner of a street) to do some busking today. Being students and all, and since it is the end of the semester, money is pretty tight. So we had a great day in the sunlight playing for pizza. We both finished classes for the year today so it was great to celebrate with some music. Nick is graduating (we hope) and Audrey is finishing third year.


Grabbing some flowers from the garden. Looks like spring might finally be here!


Audrey in the sun


Want to hear some of the new stuff we have been playing? We are playing a set tonight at Paddy’s Pub in Wolfville. This set is very special to us as it is a Tribute to the Acadia Theatre Company, of which we are both a part. This will be our goodbye to the Theatre Company for the summer. Be there!

All proceeds go to pizza!

All proceeds go to pizza!

Can’t make it out tonight? Check out some of the songs we’ve posted on soundcloud. Nick wrote this one!

Closer by Nick Cox

Enjoy what you hear? Want to hear more? Leave us a comment, like our page, suggest songs for us to do, send us money…or puppies, and enjoy the sunshine